Ambiguity Radical шрифт
- Лицензия: Платный шрифт
- Поддержка языков: Латиница
- Автор: Monotype
- Теги: sans-serif, без засечек
Информация о файле шрифта:
- Версия:Version 1.00,
- Торговая марка:Ambiguity is a trademark of Monotype Imaging Inc. and may be registered in certain jurisdictions.
- Компания:Monotype Imaging Inc.
- Дизайнер:Charles Nix
- Короткое описание:Perfection is immediately achievable. It requires only that we embrace ambiguity. Ambiguity, the type family, exists in a flexible design space, opposing and blending the traditional with the radical and the thrifty with the generous. The result is a font family with a standard weight axis (thin to black) and a social axis (conservative to radical). In Ambiguity Tradition the letterform proportions are traditional (Roman inscriptional forms in the caps and Renaissance calligraphy in the lowercase). It�s conventional and comforting. Ambiguity Radical reverses those proportions�wide becomes slender and slender becomes wide. It�s contrarian and alluring. Ambiguity Thrift gathers all of the slender forms. It�s conservative, economical. Ambiguity Generous gathers all of the wide forms. It�s liberal and expansive. And Ambiguity Normate is the middle of the road�an artificial blend of wide and slender. It�s indefinite. Ambiguity is neither consciously ugly nor overly concerned with beauty. It is an attainable utopia.
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