Пример шрифта Federico #1

Информация о файле шрифта:

  • Версия:Version 2.000 2015 | wf-rip DC20160220
  • Торговая марка:Federico is a trademark of Olga Umpeleva.
  • Компания:Olga Umpeleva
  • Дизайнер:Olga Umpeleva
  • Короткое описание:Federico is a typeface based on the handwriting of Federico Garcia Lorca, the eminent Spanish poet and playwright (1898-1936). Original version was designed for the book about Lorca. The face has an effect of pressure pointed quill writing of an emotional, negligent, creative man. For use in advertising and display typography, headline and subhead composition, as well as short text setting of small and large sizes.
  • URL:www.olgaumpeleva.com
