Пример шрифта FreeSet #1
  • Лицензия: Платный шрифт
  • Поддержка языков: Кириллица, латиница
  • Автор: ParaType
  • Теги: ,

Информация о файле шрифта:

  • Версия:001.000
  • Торговая марка:Please refer to the Copyright section for the font trademark attribution notices.
  • Компания:ParaType, Inc
  • Короткое описание:Designed at ParaGraph in 1992 by Tagir Safayev. Based on Frutiger, of Mergenthaler Linotype, 1976, by Adrian Frutiger. Frutiger was originally designed for use on signs in the new Charles de Gaulle Airport at Roissey, outside of Paris. The straightforward sans serif shapes lend themselves well to both text and display setting. Two additional Cyrillic styles (Light Oblique and Demi Oblique) added in 1997.
