Пример шрифта Little Cecily #1

Информация о файле шрифта:

  • Версия:Version 2.000
  • Торговая марка:Little Cecily is a trademark of Olga Umpeleva.
  • Компания:Olga Umpeleva
  • Дизайнер:Olga Umpeleva
  • Короткое описание:Little Cecily was designed on the base of Russian calligraphy sample book for primary schools "Propisi pryamogo pis'ma" (Moscow, 1914). Such kind of scripts was implemented in school programs at the end of 19th-beginning of 20th century. There was an opinion that the straight writing is easier for learning and better for children from a medical point of view. The letterforms of the typeface are characterized by simplified constructions and upright design which distinguishes it from the list of typical school scripts and convey to it a naive charm and originality. The character set covers standard Western and Cyrillic code pages and it includes alternative letters and contextual forms for connected writing.
  • URL:http://www.olgaumpeleva.com
