NN Rektorat шрифт

Пример шрифта NN Rektorat #1

Информация о файле шрифта:

  • Версия:Version 1.000
  • Торговая марка:Rektorat ist trademark of Rudolf Barmettler and Anton Studer (Nouvelle Noire GmbH)
  • Компания:Nouvelle Noire GmbH
  • Дизайнер:Rudolf Barmettler, Anton Studer
  • Короткое описание:This is Rektorat, a type family based on historical letterings originally created in 1933. It was then used for the signage of the modernist building in which the Kunstgewerbeschule and the Museum fuer Gestaltung moved into. Since 2014 Rudolf Barmettler and Anton Studer have created a modern typefamily out of this almost a century old style, to make it more than just another historical remake.
  • URL:www.nouvellenoire.ch
  • Лицензия:This font is governed by the conditions of the Nouvelle Noire EULA 2018.
