Пример шрифта Scientia #1

Информация о файле шрифта:

  • Версия:Version 1.001
  • Торговая марка:Scientia is a trademark of ParaType, Inc.
  • Компания:ParaType Ltd
  • Дизайнер:Natalia Vasilyeva
  • Короткое описание:Scientia (means "knowledge", "science" in Latin) is a neutral serif typeface in eight styles. It contains four weights (Regular, Medium, Bold, Black) with corresponding italics. All the styles support Western and Central European Latin, basic and Asian Cyrillic and Greek. Regular and Medium styles include smallcaps for all supported languages. In addition to the standard set of non-alphabetic characters Scientia has arrows and some supplemental mathematical symbols. The font was created by Natalia Vasilyeva. Being a professional book designer, Natalia uses Scientia in astronomy books. Scientia is a good choice for literary fiction and academic non-fiction texts. The typeface was released by ParaType in 2016.
  • URL:http://www.paratype.com
  • Лицензия:http://www.paratype.com/help/license/paratype_web.asp
  • License URL:http://www.paratype.com/help/license/paratype_web.asp
