Century Supra C3 шрифт

Пример шрифта Century Supra C3 #1

Информация о файле шрифта:

  • Версия:1.120
  • Торговая марка:"Century Supra" is a trademark of Matthew Butterick
  • Дизайнер:Matthew Butterick
  • Короткое описание:MB thanks Josh Korwin, Jessica Coffin Butterick, Roxy the boxer, and typomaniacs worldwide. Your enthusiasm makes my work possible.
  • URL:http://mbtype.com
  • Лицензия:This font is licensed software. The license takes effect when you install the font. For the terms of the license, please visit http://mbtype.com/license
  • License URL:http://mbtype.com/license
